
To ensure that all phone numbers added to VAN are of the highest quality, campaigns will need to provide the State Party with the original file containing the phone numbers and other pertinent data. New York VAN users cannot upload phone numbers to VAN. The State Party will process and upload these to VAN. 

State Party Discretion 

The State Party reserves the right to approve or deny any request to append phone data that campaigns have purchased for any reason. 

The State Party reserves the right to roll back any attempts to append phone numbers by a campaign outside of this process. Attempts to circumvent this process may lead to termination of access.

Phone Append Workflow

As phone numbers are a shared resource in VAN for all campaigns, it is imperative to ensure that all phone numbers added to VAN are of the highest quality. To ensure this, the function for users to bulk upload phone numbers has been disabled. If campaigns want to purchase phone numbers and have them added to VAN, the campaign will need to provide the following information:

  • The name of the vendor the data was procured from

  • The date the data was procured

  • The original data from the vendor as an Excel spreadsheet, CSV, or Text file, including:

    • How the phone number was matched to the voter

    • The confidence/quality level of the match

    • If acquired from sub vendors, the names of those vendors

With this information, the State Party will process the data and upload the numbers to VAN. Please allow 2 business days for this to be propagated.